Periodontal Plastic Surgery


A smile is one of the first things we notice about another person, and the appearance of your smile can greatly affect how you are perceived by others. For some people, the condition of their gums prevents them from showing off their smile to others. However, a simple surgical procedure from a dental professional specially trained in the treatment of the tissues surrounding the teeth can help build confidence and allow these individuals to smile with assurance.

Procedures like tooth whitening and bonding are usually what come to mind when thinking of cosmetic procedures for the smile. What many people do not realize is that there are also procedures which can be performed on the gums to enhance the smiles of people who feel their teeth appear too long or too short.

After dental school, periodontists receive three years of specialized training in the treatment of the gums and other supporting structures of the teeth. This expertise makes them uniquely qualified to perform procedures that enhance the appearance of the gums, and ultimately improve one’s smile.

The answer for gums that are too long, or a “gummy smile,” may be crown lengthening, which is the second most popular cosmetic periodontal procedure for patients under age 50, according to an online poll of periodontists. With crown lengthening, excess gum and bone tissue is recontoured to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth to even your gum line, or to several teeth to expose a natural, broad smile.

Conversely, some people feel their teeth appear too long. If your tooth root is exposed because your gums have receded, soft tissue grafts can cover exposed roots, reduce further gum recession and protect vulnerable roots from decay.

If you are interested in having the best smile you can, talk with a periodontist. He or she can evaluate your current smile and provide a range of treatments available to help achieve the look you want.

"Gummy Smiles” can be a cosmetic issue for some patients. However, the need for correction is not always cosmetic. Excess gum tissue can cause gingivitis and even periodontal disease due to an inability to clean teeth properly. Patients may suffer from bleeding gums, foul taste and sometime tooth displacement from excess gum tissue. Gingival health can be safely restored through crown lengthening and other gingival procedures. The change in smile and impact confidence through enhanced gingival appearance.

+ Connective Tissue Graft

Gingival recession refers to the exposure of tooth roots. It can affect one or more teeth. Some patients may experience sensitivity. The long-term risks associated with recession are tooth loss, bone loss, and mobility. Originally tooth recession was classified as an esthetic procedure. In more recent years the need for grafting has gone from esthetic to pathology. Loss of gum and bone supporting teeth compromises the attachment to health of the tooth. Long term risk can be identified in the older population with root decay and mobility being a risk factor in maintaining teeth. Connective tissue graft procedures use the patients own tissue and transplants the tissue to cover the root exposure.

+ Chaos Pinhole Graft

Traditional gum grafting procedures require donor tissue. However, there are times where a more conservative approach can be used. Pinhole grafting uses collagen for tissue regeneration. The procedure can provide great outcomes in a more conservative approach.

+ Soft Tissue Allograft

Some patients may be a candidate to use donor tissue to repair gingival recession. The evolution of periodontal plastics now allows the patient to choose the allograft over conventional connective tissue graft. Using allograft allow the patient to avoid the discomfort associated with the donor site. The use of donor tissue allows Dr. Cady to provide treatment options and graft larger areas. It also provides an option with patient who are nervous about having a donor site.